Monday, April 8, 2013

Just Hold Out

The scars you leave on someone, or allow someone to give you, will carry into your next relationship; eventually, they will follow you down the aisle to the altar and onto your future spouse.

They will be overcome, mended, and healed... but are they worth it?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Children Dating...

(This was from sometime last year, I must have forgotten to post it. Well, here ya go.)

Very rarely am I at a standstill when I start to write. When God stirs my heart to write, I can pull up a document and let Him type on through with minimal grammar editing before posting. Nonetheless, there are times when I am so... overcome, by a particular subject, that no matter what I say, how I say it, or how I back it up, the final product will still fall short in all my heart has longed to put into it. Still, I must try; to try and reach one person is so much more than to do nothing and reach no one.

I am nauseated and heart-broken over all the children dating.
Could you re-read that? Let it sink in.